Oh dear….
The Blog has been sadly neglected. Work on the farm continues, though there have been things like replacing our roof, putting up nets, en epic chicken harvest day where 3 of us did 60 chickens (thanks J!!! Couldn’t have done it without you!) a camping trip during the wettest week ever! However we were allowed to have fires so it wasn’t so bad…..and we took a giant fold up shelter. Haha. Wussy campers we have become. I’m hoping Ben will start to update the blog more as he has a bit more time on his hands than I when he is away at camp (hint, hint) so that this isn’t a sad space on the inter webs.
I can’t believe it is already near the end of August. And the grapes are ripe to boot. I think we will be picking late this week. Sadly there is about 4 days of rain in the forecast which would be death to our grapes….especially the Sieg. It would split and I would cry….. The Petit Milo and reds will be left for a few more weeks as they are not as far along as the Sieg. This would make it the earliest we have ever picked. Interesting….. Anyhow, it has begun….. see you on the other side.