This has been a year hasn’t it? Here on the coast of BC we’ve had the coldest, wettest spring in our remembery. What a crappy start to the season. At the moment we’re experiencing what would be normally a winter storm that we’d get sometime in November.
We normally plant most of our garden crops out early May, but the rule of thumb here is planting during the May Long weekend and I’m not sure we’re even going to be able to do that. Looking to the future, if this is the way things are going to be we’re going to have to invest in more raised/covered beds just to counteract the wet.
The grapevines are a weeks behind “normal” but who’s to say normal as the last two years were abnormally warm for April and May. Anyhow, the rain has set us back as we need to be able to finish flattening out the new area for the new greenhouse that we have to put up for our fun new project as well as for vineyard/orchard expansion. Our metal posts in the vineyard also need to be repaired as they have rusted through and are starting to fail.
Here’s a picture of the vineyard last May 25 2021, what a difference.