It takes a village…..
to make a winery apparently. Today was our main harvest day where we harvested all the Petit Milo (that which becomes the Virga) and the Leon Millot (that which becomes the Quintage). It takes a pretty big crowd to ensure that we are able to get it done in a day rather than in a […]
Oh dear….
The Blog has been sadly neglected. Work on the farm continues, though there have been things like replacing our roof, putting up nets, en epic chicken harvest day where 3 of us did 60 chickens (thanks J!!! Couldn’t have done it without you!) a camping trip during the wettest week ever! However we were allowed […]
Almost a whole month
Since we posted….. And no pictures this post. It’s been busy but fruitful. The vineyard is now pruned thanks to help from S. (our worker) and some fellow farmers J and R of Goosefoot Farms. We’ve also locked up some of the chickens in chicken jail AKA the Leon Millot Vineyard to see if they […]
Holy Harvest Batman….
So, the harvest here at the Farm is going well, so well that we have to do some more tomorrow after finally calling it quits after it got too dark to see what we were picking. Our intrepid band of neighbours/retirees/friends (and one random fellow who came with another friend) gathered at 9 this morning […]