Holy Harvest Batman….
So, the harvest here at the Farm is going well, so well that we have to do some more tomorrow after finally calling it quits after it got too dark to see what we were picking.
Our intrepid band of neighbours/retirees/friends (and one random fellow who came with another friend) gathered at 9 this morning and proceeded to harvest the siegerrebe and then the petit milo. Just so people know, all our friends volunteer and spend their day picking which is not easy work as there are often sore backs involved at the end of the day. Last year we even had a detached retina (which granted may or may not have been a direct result of harvesting but it’s fun to add to the list of ailments).
We were fed lunch and dinner graciously prepared by Val, it was amazing. Childcare was also provided by Val and Rosalind and the TV. Thank you all so much. We love our family. My parents, the buggers happened to have appointments in Vancouver and missed the whole thing! Though they will be here for the rest of the harvests coming from other vineyards.
What we want to really say is thank you to Brian, Mike, Penny, Mia, John, Carol, Jaime, Sarah (and Ezra, what a duo of troopers, Sarah for just have given birth 6.5 weeks ago and Ezra for being a good little baby all day long), Ninja, Laura, Mel, Dave M., Kathy, Leslie, Storm, Ken, Rosalind, Val and Brendon (or possibly Brandon? spelling?).
Troops, we crushed 7458 pounds today, that’s 3.729 tons! That in itself is a BIG day! Congratulations to us all!