Kashima Walking

Miwa woke up with some spectacular bed head.
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After breakfast we went for a nice long walk through KashimaJingu, a local park and shrine.  Just a pleasant walk in the woods on a nice, warm sunny day.
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On the way back we picked up some lunch from a bakery and a convenience store.  The fried chicken was pretty tasty.

The ocean is not to far away from Nancy’s place, so we went there after lunch.  It was about a 20 minute walk each way.  Looks like it would be a pretty nice place to stay in summer.  We watched some beginner surfers get destroyed by the waves, it was pretty entertaining, but the wind was so strong we had to move on.
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We had about a half hour at Nancy’s before moving on to a BBQ at her friend’s house, with a brief stop at Uni Qlo for some cheap clothes.

Nancy’s friend runs a hair salon out of her house, Jill had made an appointment to get a trim while we were there, but was ambushed by a perm.  It looks pretty good though.  Mitzi got here hair done as well, and was quite pleased with the results.
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Miwa and Ru had fun playing with the kids and the little dog that lived there, and they both fell asleep before we left.
