January 21
The day began with a pink sunrise, and continued to be mostly sunny with some cloud, eventually warming up to shorts and T-shirt weather (By Ben’s standards anyway, Jill wore her toque all day.) We walked along the beach to downtown Pismo and had lunch at Mo’s cafe. The food was pretty good, but due to an error on their part, we ended up with an extra side order of french fries.
After wandering back through town, Ben took the girls to the beach while Jill worked on winery stuff in the Trillium. Ben got some really nice pictures with the camera, we will have to post them later, once we get a cord.
The girls played on the beach until the sun got low and they got extremely chilled. Then everyone came back for a shower a warm up.
Later on, the girls played in the playground while Ben and Jill made a soup from the left over french fries… We were skeptical, but it actually turned out pretty good. The turning point for Jill was when she realized that if she called it “Cream of potato” soup instead of “French Fry” soup, she could manage to not be disgusted.
As we were reviewing our travel and camping plans for the next few days, Jill came across a tweet that the access to Fish Creek Primitive Campground, where we had planned to go, had washed out in a rainstorm a few days ago! Must have been the same one that kept us stuck in the camper. So we quickly revised our plans and will now be a bit more nomadic than originally planned. We will likely be touring around the Salton Sea area, scoping it out for potential longer stays in the future. However, we will almost certainly be out of any sort of internet access for the next 5 days or so.