Why Drive to Tofino indeed

As much as I love where we live, there are times that you just need a change of space and location.  For some reason on the Island that place has always been Tofino.  Maybe it’s the waves and all the dynamic motion but we go there at least once a year and always in the off […]

Holy Harvest Batman….

So, the harvest here at the Farm is going well, so well that we have to do some more tomorrow after finally calling it quits after it got too dark to see what we were picking. Our intrepid band of neighbours/retirees/friends (and one random fellow who came with another friend) gathered at 9 this morning […]

Birthday Girl

Happy second birthday Miss Ru.  You certainly keep us on our toes.  We love you:) Age 2  Already into the #Starbucks Age 1 Happy naked baby! Age 0 Just born into the ‘verse.

Snow to Surf among other things

It’s been a while since we posted, and things have been afoot.  Not the tasting room reno that is supposed to happen before we open (I’m procrastinating) or the guest blog I’m supposed to do for another blog, but things like Snow to Surf (yay, we didn’t capsize and yay, we weren’t last!), moving a […]

A Nice Place to Live.

Sometimes it’s fun to complain about the weather but this really is a nice part of the world to live.  Today the girls and I biked out to Rebecca Spit where we met the rest of the Family to have a picnic in the lovely weather.  I stress “I” when I say “the girls and […]